I wasn’t looking for anything serious after a hard break up that left me feeling a little depleted. After some time to heal I decided to start putting myself out there and decided to download some dating apps. I wasn’t getting very far with them, some dates here and there, but nothing that mattered to me. In march I downloaded hinge since I wasn’t finding anyone with the other dating apps, and I thought this one would be different for me. Every day for three weeks I would hop on the app and have two to three new profiles pop up then the same profile would pop up (Adam’s), and I stayed at a stand still not knowing if I wanted to swipe yes or no, his profile wasn’t a bestseller and I just didn’t have the heart to say no. So I would close the app and try again tomorrow. After two days of the same thing I finally gave into the sign and I swiped yes on Adam’s profile, on April 2nd I received a message in hinge from his profile complementing my smile! (If any one knows me they know how obsessed I am with having nice teeth) from there we talked in the app but I wasn’t the greatest at responding, so I decided to give Adam my Snapchat, since I wasn’t comfortable giving him my number (not until I knew he wasn’t gonna kill me lol) since then we haven’t stopped talking and it has been the best 3 years of my life! He completes me to my core and I can’t be any happier! Here’s to our next chapter of life together <3
I was on dating apps for awhile. I never really took the apps serious until I saw Dani’s profile. I was fairly blown away with it. I hoped, if I commented on her profile I would get a response. 3 weeks went by without a message back. To be honest I forgot all about it when this beautiful girl messaged me on hinge. It was Dani, we talked on the app for a little bit before I asked for her number. Instead she gave me her Snapchat. We talked for awhile before we set a date. I almost didn’t go to our first date as I worked that day, and to be to be honest I was nervous. Something told me I needed to go and it was the best thing I ever did. I knew seconds after meeting Dani that she would one day be my wife. I did everything I could to impress her, I even let her beat me in mini golf. After that first date I was in love. For the last 3 years we have spent almost every day together and I cannot wait to spend the rest of our lives together!